28 Mar DSQM wins America Innovation Award
DSQM, the startup stemming from the Cnr Nanoscience Institute (Cnr-Nano), was honored with the prestigious America Innovation Award by Fondazione Italia USA. This recognition, rewards Italian innovators who stand out in the startup scene every year. DSQM has distinguished itself through its ambitious mission to develop faster and more efficient circuits for telecommunications and supercomputers, based on superconducting materials. In the words of researcher Claudio Puglia:
The technology underlying DSQM solutions exploits a phenomenon known as the “field effect” on superconductors, discovered by a group of CNR Nano researchers working within the NEST Laboratory in Pisa. In particular, the first device that exploits this new effect is under development within the SPECTRUM project itself.
The DSQM team, composed of Claudio Puglia, CEO of the company and INFN researcher, Francesco Giazotto, Elia Strambini, Giorgio De Simoni (CNR Nano researchers), Federico Paolucci (INFN) and Angelo Di Bernardo (University of Salerno and University of Konstanz , Germany), received the award in a ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. This award not only confirms the value of DSQM’s mission but also recognizes their commitment to innovation and the potential of their technology. DSQM has already distinguished itself in various regional and national entrepreneurial competitions, obtaining excellent results, and the success achieved demonstrates the value of basic research in technological innovation in the Italian panorama, continuing the legacy of excellence of the Nanoscience Institute and collaborating with important research institutes such as the Scuola Normale Superiore.