The EU-funded project Spectrum (GA N° 101057977) is developing a novel technology aimed to create a multi-port superfast switch with working temperature 10 mK and no heat dissipation, precisely to...

The first Spectrum Review Meeting took place remotely on August 30th 2023. It was attended by the EU officials and experts - among them, Dr. Samira Nik who is the...

Spectrum GA was held remotely on 5th July 2023. Representatives of each of the partners involved in the project met by videoconference to discuss the progress of the project and...

Spectrum attended a Workshop dedicated to the world of Quantum on May 24th in Trento. The event was organized by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and the...

Spectrum participated in the EIC Investor Day, organized together with EuroQuity-Bpifrance, on the 7th of march. The event was meant for deep tech-related companies working on Advanced computing, Quantum and...

The SPECTRUM consortium members gathered in Pisa, Italy on 8th of September 2022 to have the first face-to-face meeting, thus marking the official launch the project. The meeting was organized by...

We are pleased to announce that the next meeting of the consortium will be held in September in Pisa, Italy. The first physical progress meeting for Spectrum partner will be...

The dissemination campaign of European-funded project SPECTRUM is officially started through the launch of the project website. The website was specifically designed to provide in an accessible and user friendly...